At SAF-HOLLAND Benelux, we believe that transport should never stand still. That is why we are constantly searching for smart ideas to help the transport sector save on costs, time, mileage and emissions. Ideas to keep an increasingly busy world operating while keeping the impact we have to a minimum.

Vision and mission

Our vision:

We want to be the most trustworthy and reliable partner in the commercial vehicles industry.

Our mission:

We want to play a leading role in shaping the mobility of the future and create sustainable values together with our customers.

What SAF-HOLLAND Benelux is about

Our core values

  • We focus on safety

    We are committed to the health and safety of our employees and stakeholders by creating safe work environments, offering our customers first-rate products and working to the highest environmental standards worldwide.

  • We are respectful

    We appreciate the diversity of our employees and promote open communication. We create a culture of trust and mutual respect. Our individual differences and abilities move us forward as a group of companies.

  • We are reliable

    We focus on lasting and effective business relationships and offer our employees long-term perspectives. We are an honest, trustworthy and reliable partner for all our stakeholders.

  • We are innovative

    We are continuously developing progressive ideas and innovative solutions for the entire truck and trailer industry, using our wide ranging know-how to actively shape the future of the industry.

  • We are responsible

    We ensure the economic success of our company through responsible, cost conscious and strategic actions. Through sustainable and forward looking use of resources, we are also fulfilling our social responsibility.

  • How we act

    • Improve every day.
    • Question the “status quo”.
    • Face your challenges.
    • Develop new ideas.
  • How we act

    • Develop a strategy.
    • Share your knowledge.
    • Set specific targets.
    • Keep your promises.
  • How we act

    • Acknowledge everyone’s contributions.
    • Learn from mistakes.
    • Give constructive feedback.
    • Celebrate joint achievements.

smart technical solutions in trailer construction

At SAF-HOLLAND Benelux, we always aim to provide the best and that is why we only supply premium-brand products. But we go one step further than that: our R&D department works with trailer manufacturers to design smart technical solutions that will really make a difference – today and in the future. This with the aim to make trucks and trailers more sustainable, efficient, and reliable in the long term

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