SAF-HOLLAND Benelux received a request for some tailor-made axles for their customer Menzi Muck. Menzi Muck's spider excavators transform from rail excavator to mobile walking excavators in a matter of minutes. For transporting the excavators via rail tracks, Menzi Muck needed tailor-made axles.

The reason that Menzi Muck came to SAF-HOLLAND Benelux was because they were looking for extremely strong axles for this application. Therefore, Menzi Muck contacted SAF-HOLLAND Benelux to create a tailor-made Tecma axle solution for their needs.

Start of the process

Tecma designed and proposed a tailor-made solution for the existing problems, and improvements to the current axle. Due to the weight of the excavators the axles needed high loading capacity and special stubs for the excavator tires to rest on during transportation.

After completing and finalizing the design with the customer, it was time to the take the axles in production


Production of custom made axles

From raw steel to a custom made axle. At Tecma's production facility in Verona the production process started to create the axle as designed. After producing the different parts it was time to assemble it all together to finalize the axles.

The result

SAF-HOLLAND Benelux delivered the axles to the customer and stayed in contact with the customer during the finale tests of the customer.

The result: a happy customer with a custom made axles designed to the wishes and needs for application on the rail excavator.

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